We must stop quenching God's Spirit in worship!!
Many would be shocked to know that the glory of God that is seemingly felt in many of today's churches IS NOT the manifest presence of God, but is the presence of angels which precedes the presence of the Lord Himself. When the presence of angels come, many stop worship at that time. This stopping of worship is actually quenching the Spirit of God and God is not pleased. Many pastors and worship leaders would be shocked to find out that much of their worship is actually grieving to the Lord.
When it comes to worship...We are not born knowing how to worship in a way that pleases God, We must ask Him to teach us. When God is pleased in worship....His holy, manifest presence fills the room, our hearts, and lives are forever changed in His presence. One cannot experience the holiness of God's presence...and remain the same. The result...is becoming more and more like Him. If we are not being transformed during our times of worship, we are not experiencing the fullness of His presence. This is more common than we realize!
Scripture specifically tells us in 1 Thessalonians 5:19 to "Not quench the Spirit"...but it happens all the time in worship services. Angels have been seen to weep when the Spirit of God is quenched and God is not allowed to minister to His people in the way He desires to. We have much to learn about worship and allowing the Lord to be the Great Shepherd of our souls....The Lord desires to minister to His people as He chooses...without hindrance. Far too many leaders have been "touching the ark", quenching God's spirit and it must stop!
There is a tremendous need in the church for worship leaders to understand the flow of the Spirit. If worship leaders do not understand what it is that pleases God in worship, they should not be leading worship. The result is worship services that are "hit and miss" with God's presence because God's spirit is being quenched. Learning to discern what is holy and what pleases the Lord and draws His presence....is the key.
For those who are called to minister to the Lord in worship, which is the ministry of the priest, it is crucially important to know what pleases God. When we begin to understand what is pleasing to the Lord in worship, we begin to understand worship "in truth". Zadok Revelatory Worship is holy, uncompromising, free of the flesh and completely taught to us (moment by moment revelation) by the Lord Himself. Zadok Revelatory Worship is worship that pleases the Father, it is worship that He desires to inhabit.
The Lord is bringing order to His temple.
We are His temple, we are to house His glory, we are to be His resting place!!
We must learn...
What type of worship is pleasing to the Lord.
How to become the habitation of God's presence.
What brings the manifest presence of God.
Ways that we quench, grieve and hinder the Holy Spirit in our worship.
We must learn to minister "to the Lord" and in return, allow the Lord to minister to His people.
When we come together and are led by the spirit, when we learn to worship together "as one" with "one voice" and our focus is intent upon pleasing the Lord, look what happens...
It came to pass, as the trumpeters and singers were as one, to make one sound to be heard in praising and thanking the LORD; and when they lifted up their voice with the trumpets and cymbals and instruments of music, and praised the LORD, saying, For he is good; for his mercy endures for ever: that then the house was filled with a cloud, even the house of the LORD; So that the priests could not stand to minister by reason of the cloud: for the glory of the LORD had filled the house of God. 2 Chronicles 5:12-14
Isn't this what we are seeking when we worship?
Isn't this what our heart longs for?
When worship brings pleasure to the Father...He shows His favor, His pleasure...He is drawn towards us and reveals His majesty, splendor and He is then glorified among us,
Zanild Abarrane Tsadak-Kohein
June 23, 2012