Leaders...Expect change! What the Lord is doing with his leaders and in church in general is going to require great change. Change in every area. This is not going to be easy...especially for those who are older, or who have been in ministry for a long time.
When prophets bring a word from the Lord it causes a disruption and that disruption is not comfortable. If we look at the prophets in scripture...God was continually sending prophets to the people with words of repentance. God wanted to bless them, but they needed to give up their ways of doing things...their ways of thinking. Our mind needs to be renewed to think as the Lord thinks and we must walk in complete obedience to Him at every moment.
Many leaders right now, are not understanding the severity of what God is doing in this hour. They do not expect this adjustment that God is requiring of them to be difficult. As leaders, absolutely everything is coming under inspection right now. Hearts are being revealed. Sin is being exposed. God has to do this, to show us how our ways are not aligning with His.
Only through the revealing of our hearts....will true change come. BUT....when we see the very thing God is exposing....it is up to us to repent and be willing to change. God uses prophets to confront the people. This is not easy for the prophets...NOT AT ALL. Often prophets do not want to confront because the truth causes upheaval. Why? Because the flesh and demons get exposed and many times the prophets end up the target. Those that get corrected want to shoot the messenger instead of just repenting. The prophets are hated because they were the ones that caused the upheaval. This is why the church is in a mess today....because many prophets have not been willing to confront leaders, or the leaders have been confronted, but did not want to listen and did not repent.
Prophets see....they see everything that is not in alignment with God. If the prophets are listening to God's heart...they see the condition of the heart as God reveals it. They see the hidden sin. They hear the complaining, the gossiping, there is nothing hidden from a true prophet that is hearing God's heart. The most important thing to God...is for us to grow us up and become like Jesus. The Lord reveals our sin so we will agree with Him for change.
This is a critical time for those who are going to walk in ministry. You must know....if there is something hidden and God wants change....it is going to be revealed. Nothing hidden. God is calling us to walk in holiness. Holiness as God sees it, not how we see it. We must allow God to raise our standard of holiness to His standard.
God's favor and blessing will not come...unless there is first repentance, and then change to God's strategies of doing things in this earth. We must be willing to have our hearts exposed. If there is a change that God wants...and we are not seeing it or have not been listening...God will send a prophet to bring it all out in the open for it to be dealt with.
Jesus wants a church without spot or wrinkle...He wants a holy bride. He uses His prophets to help the bride get ready. What makes it difficult...is most often the bride thinks she is ready and does not need help from anyone. This makes it very difficult for those God has sent to help her. If she does not humble herself and receive the wisdom and correction God has sent to her....she will not be ready for the wedding. Revelation 19:7 For the wedding of the Lamb has come, and his bride has made herself ready. It is up to the bride to make herself ready....the bridegroom does not do it for her.
God is not going to force change and blessing upon anyone. God is starting with His leaders. We cannot expect the people that we teach, to walk in something that we are not walking in. We cannot teach what we do not know. We cannot lead someone to a place we have never been. This is a time to make a decision to move forward with what God is calling us to do. It's our choice. Either we move, or we miss what God is doing...know this, if you are leading God’s people you are causing them to miss God’s plans also. I personally would not want to be stand before the Lord and be held accountable for this.
May the fear of the Lord consume our hearts that we might bear the cost of Christ in us...the only eternal hope of glory.
Zanild Abarrane Tsadak-Kohein
June 7, 2020