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My Africa Chronicles

Millions of dollars are being sent to support fake Christian projects with fake pastors, fake churches, fake crusades, building programs, and fake orphanages. If you are a Christian minister or love to give to foreign missions, you must read this. If you know someone who is sending money to support a church, ministry, or children's program in Africa...please have them read these letters or contact me. These writings are my personal experience.

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I began ministering to Africa's leaders in 2016. The ministry has largely been focused on the Lord calling African leaders "back to their first love, back to the teachings of Jesus".

​In 2019 I registered an NGO to assist needy children and widows in Kyela, Tanzania. We provided food, clothing, medication, school supplies, and basic life necessities. In 2021 I moved to Tanzania to be closer to the NGO. While there I began to see signs of fraudulent behavior with my secretary. After spending to (2) months in Kyela I started the process of closing the program.


I moved back home to America and continued the process of closing the NGO. Keeping in contact with the Tanzanian Registrar of NGOs became a huge problem. They would not return my calls or emails. I sent mediators to speak with them, but still no follow through. The entire experience was frustrating beyond belief. I began to question the motives of everyone involved.


In January of 2022, I flew back to Africa to have leader's conferences. I spent a week in Uganda and then made a trip to Kenya. All was well then everything began to turn sour very quickly. I started writing about what I was experiencing. I did not know my experience would become a stern warning from the Lord for those interested in missionary work and giving to the needy.


Upon arriving I was always greeted with great love from the African people. Often it felt like this joy was going to explode out of me, especially being around the children. Connecting with those who love the Lord, the people were so hungry for God's Word. I had been ministering in a small church for two (2) months. All was well, I was among family.


As the weeks went by, I began to see some issues with the family hosting me, a young pastor, and his wife and children. All was okay until the pastor abandoned his family. He left his wife and 4 small children and I stepped in to care for them. He was gone for a month. Soon after he came back another minister and his wife came to stay in the home with us.


This situation soon became a hotbed of greed and jealousy. This was not a home, it was a corrupt business taking advantage of foreign ministers. I began to see it was all a well-planned setup from the start. This couple had been in this fraudulent business of swindling foreign ministers for years. Little did I know, this was only the beginning of the corruption that I would witness.


When I saw the corruption I stopped handing out money. It was then that everything changed. I began to be openly hated, assaulted, and slandered.​ What I began to experience was unprecedented. Lies began to spread through the village and among the local pastors. Never have I encountered such a brutal onslaught of fierce attacks from so-called Christian leaders.


NOTE: I would never have known these leaders were corrupt if I had not lived in their home.

I was threatened and was told to leave Kenya for my safety. I then spent two (2) months in Uganda. This time the people were more gracious, but it was much the same. All is well until the money stops flowing. Little did I know this corrupt adventure was not over. What I was seeing was shocking. Not only were pastors involved, but also African governments.


Christian ministers from America and Europe (especially if they are white) are being targeted through social media and deceived by fake Christian leaders in Africa. Millions of dollars are being given to fake mission projects! These fake Christian leaders are well-versed in Bible scripture and Christian lingo, they know exactly what to say to emotionally and spiritually manipulate ministers and missionaries. These spiritual victims have no idea entire mission projects are being fabricated and staged. Entire leadership teams in churches are actors and they put on a great performance.


Websites are created that contain fraudulent information, children from villages are gathered for photos to represent orphanages that do not exist. These photos are then used to emotionally manipulate people into giving donations. Most ministers and missionaries when they do a ministry trip to Africa, do not spend enough time with the people to see the truth, they fly in, preach or minister to the people, pour out money, then leave. The fake leaders (actors) are then on a search for their next victims.


I can send out photos of myself preaching and ministering in churches, I can send photos of cute African children, or photos of those that are malnourished from hunger. I can write about poverty and devastation, but everyone knows about that. What people don’t know about…is what is expected of foreign ministers/missionaries (especially “white people”) and how they are treated.


People don’t know about the corruption, lies, and manipulation that is spreading from Africa and affecting different countries. They don’t know about the fake Christian leaders, fake orphanages, fake churches, and the ignorant people who are pouring millions of dollars into these “fake” Christian organizations and projects every day. I have become a firsthand witness to this corruption.


I’ve had witchcraft used on me, lies spread about me, and been violently assaulted by the people I was staying with. All was well until I saw the corruption and stopped giving money. I was then kicked out of homes, and kicked out of three (3) African countries. After 10 months in Africa, I was forced to flee the continent for my safety. I have contacted the U.S. Embassy, African law enforcement, and government officials numerous times and have been ignored. Corruption and ministry fraud are at an all-time high in Africa. 




Today, mission programs are very different from what they used to be. There is so much deception going on it is scary, especially related to churches and ministries. If you live in another country (or continent), there is no way you can verify who you are going to minister to, or who you are sending money to. This is just the beginning my friends, the spiritual much deeper than this and is the very root of the problems.


If you go on a mission trip to pour out money you will be ok….for a time at least. But if you are sent by God with a message for the people…if you are truly sent by God to bring transformation to a continent and you live among the people…watch out, all hell will come against you, you are in for the fight of your life.




Do you ever wonder why some countries live in so much devastation in comparison to other countries?


There is a side to third-world countries that is pure evil, and this evil is widespread! Scripture says the thief (Satan) has come to steal, kill, and destroy. The Continent of Africa has been treacherously marked with death and destruction. This is the environment the people of Africa live in every day. Their lives are consumed with death, destruction, lack, and oppression. Destruction is prevalent in third-world countries. Wherever we see destruction, there is a much deeper "spiritual" problem at work.



Ministering in a foreign country may seem very exciting. We are so eager to shout from the rooftops, "Lord send me!" Standing behind a pulpit preaching, teaching, and ministering to God's people, staying in hotels, being catered to and escorted like royalty. Feeding starving children, saving lives, seeing the power of God, casting out demons, hearing the cries of repentance, and seeing the power of God changing lives is unforgettable. But how much of it is real?


I want to share some things with you that you rarely hear about ministering in third-world countries. I don't want to focus on the pulpit ministry, I want to share with you the reality of what it is like living in Africa, living among the people on a day-to-day basis, and what ministry looks like to the African people.


I am surrounded continuously by those who live in utter devastation and severe poverty. Destruction is everywhere. Food, clean water, and the most basic daily needs are scarce. Can you for a minute, imagine what destruction looks like and its effect on everything surrounding you in life and everything you own?  You buy something or are given something new...very soon it is destroyed. This is more than a coincidence, this is a deep-rooted spiritual problem.


Lying, stealing and manipulation is extremely common, even in those you think you can trust. Note: It is not advisable to think you can trust anyone as people are motivated by sheer desperation. They smile big and are nice as pie...but watch your bags and where you lay your wallet. The people live in a state of torment and are motivated by desperation caused by severe poverty and lack. They will lie to your face to gain your trust. The people have learned to lie and manipulate to get their basic needs met. The truth is they just simply want to be rescued.




The very sad truth is…many Africans when they see a white person, they see “money” and believe that all white people are rich. Knowing this makes you feel extremely uncomfortable. Visiting Christian ministers and missionaries (especially if they are "white"), are looked at as idols and saviors. While in Africa I cannot go out alone without being accompanied. Being approached and asked for money by those you have never met is common. The needs of the people that surround you become overwhelming. While in Africa I am always accompanied by locals and never left alone in public for my safety.




All those around you speak another language you cannot understand, and often you cannot communicate as languages change from village to village. In one small region, multiple languages are often spoken. The people say they understand you, but you soon realize they don't and your words have been twisted to mean something completely different. You cannot trust for one moment that people are understanding you as they will always tell you they do. 

Mistranslation is a big problem, even with a translator. You need to watch everything you say. One negative mistranslated word in a conversation and there is a false rumor spreading through the village or town about you. 




Witches and witch doctors send curses that swarm around you and some want to kill you. Jealousy is rampant. Often items or gifts will be cursed and cause sickness, health problems, and even death. Witchcraft in Africa is very real.


The little I could do as one person does not seem to make an impact when looking at the overall extent of the needs. Money pours through my hands like water, I never seem to have enough as the needs of all those around me are overwhelming, and the needs are non-stop and it is exhausting.




The purpose of my writing is to give others a firsthand example of what ministry is really like in Africa. The needs are truly staggering and overwhelming! It's not a vacation, far from it.


When you are called by God to bring light into the darkness…those who desire the truth of God’s Word love you and they are few….those who are lukewarm or living in darkness will hate you and come up with a plan to drive you out. Witchdoctors want to kill you because the power of God you bring hinders the demonic powers they use to bring in money. The people have learned to fight for their lives to survive because the poverty and devastation are so great.


Those sent by the Lord to minister the truth of God’s Word without compromise to these countries and regions of the world are in for the fight of their lives…it is an all-out war!


​I have experienced firsthand the evil strongholds and demonic territorial spirits that have been controlling the people on the African Continent. I have experienced the very unseen entities that have captivated the people, the very precious people that have ignorantly given themselves over to idolatry out of desperation and have brought curse after curse upon themselves. These are the precious people God wants to set free and experience the freedom and abundant LIFE that Jesus died for.


Foreign ministers that come for a weekend conference never see the real Africa. Most of them fly in, preach, have dinner, enjoy conversation, preach again then leave. They see the smiling faces, they are treated like royalty, waited on hand and foot, but they never get down and dirty with the people to find out the real issues the people deal with. In order to bring real change to these countries, the root problems must be confronted. 


The issues and the root of the problems in these countries are the spiritual principalities, powers, and rulers of wickedness that govern the continent. If God HAS NOT equipped you, given you a strategy, and sent you…stay home and care for those around you! Our mission field is right outside our front door.


Jesus said in John 10:10, “The thief comes to “steal, kill and destroy…” These are the strongholds of bondage the people in Africa live in. Destruction, devastation, severe poverty, and starvation drive people to steal, manipulate, betray, and even kill one another out of desperation just to survive.



Yes, the people are as nice as pie…but don’t turn your back, NEVER take your eyes off your bags, especially your wallet. Being “white” and in Africa means that you are on HIGH ALERT ALL THE TIME. Extreme poverty drives people to do some very vile and wicked things and if you are "white and American or European"  you have become the target of lies and manipulation.


The corruption in Africa is off the charts starting at the top. Those in government live in wealth…they don’t take care of the people, they serve themselves, and the people are forced to live in severe poverty. Laws to govern the people or keep them safe are very few here. You cannot trust the police; they bribe people for money and the people just accept what is handed to them. They do not stand up for the truth, they live in fear. 


If you speak against the government, your family may find you dead (if they find you at all). One of the biggest problems is the Africans who know about corruption live in fear. They want the corruption exposed but they fear for their lives so they remain quiet. Whistleblowers in Africa just disappear or end up dead. I was told by numerous people it was a miracle I was not killed. 


Here in Africa, you are being smiled at, but you soon learn to not turn your back on anyone. As soon as you step off that airplane, as soon as people see you grab your luggage, the manipulation for your money starts and they will fight each other to get to you. You are being watched continually, have become the center of conversation in the village and the plotting and scheming have begun to take your money. YOU ABSOLUTELY CAN NOT TRUST ANYONE!




Being a pastor and having a church in Africa is most often a business to gain wealth. The people are pressured to give offerings and then left starving. These types of leaders are rampant as well as leaders that manifest “false” signs and wonders. The witchcraft is unlike the witchcraft used in other countries. Witchcraft in America is child's play compared to Africa. Here they put a curse on you and you die. It is very real and the onslaught can be continuous. Witchcraft is a way of life for most Africans...remember...they are fighting for their lives for just one more meal for their children. Death from starvation and/or witchcraft is very real in the everyday African way of life.




Have you ever felt like you were being suffocated by an unseen entity? I would wake up feeling like the air around me was so thick I could not breathe like I was being suffocated…it felt like I was being buried alive. It was a horrifying “hell experience”. I had to learn very quickly how to fight in this spiritual climate. Day and night….I fought with the Word of God and I fought with worship. Word curses from witches and witch doctors surrounded me, hatred and betrayal engulfed me. The opposition that swarmed around me continued for months with short bouts of reprieve.


A couple of years ago I had been warned by the Lord in dreams that witch doctors and religious leaders were going to be after me wanting to drive me out of Africa or kill me. It happened this time.


When I first arrived I was staying with a family that were “fake Christian leaders”… The house was filled with lies, manipulation, chaos, and disorder. The Lord had spoken to me not to give any more money to this couple I was staying with. As soon as I held the money back…I was shown blatant disrespect.


The home environment was filled with demons, lying, manipulation, mocking me to my face, and incessantly arguing with me. I would end up retreating to my room to get some peace. It is extremely uncomfortable when the people around you are exuding hatred and mocking the God inside you while they confess to be Christian leaders.


When a “white” Christian leader comes to Africa to minister, many other leaders in the community get envious and jealous and start slandering and gossiping about the visiting minister. These are Christian leaders who do not know you and have never met you. They are jealous thinking you are pouring money into the family that is hosting you, and the church you are ministering in. These jealous Christian leaders do crazy things like threaten your life and drive you out of the country.


Living surrounded by lies and manipulation is exhausting. Not being able to trust anyone in a foreign country can be frightening. You become hated for standing the truth and exposing the lies false pastors are teaching. Your very presence makes those around you uncomfortable.




During my time in Kenya, the Lord connected me with three strong, spiritually discerning women and then a local pastor and his elders. There was wonderful unity among us. I began ministering 3 days a week in this church.


God was moving in power….setting people free and they were growing rapidly…learning how to take back what the enemy had been stealing from them and keeping them in bondage. The church pastor and I had a very close relationship, there was true unity between us, it was precious and it was God. That went on for 3 months, then the story drastically changed.


Just when we agreed I would begin teaching the worship team about Revelatory Worship, a visiting pastor came to Kenya with his wife and stayed in the same house with us. The first day he visited the church, he began handing out money. He began making plans with the pastor and began pouring money into this little church. How could this African pastor resist this temptation? 


I was quickly pushed out of the way and what God was doing was completely stopped. It became clear that this visiting pastor's motive was to manipulate to gain attention and promote his ministry. All the attention was now centered on this new couple with the money.


That evening, I was summoned outside to a meeting with the elders, the visiting pastor, and the man of the house. Here I am feeling like I am sitting before the Great Sanhedrin Council, I knew I was OUT! The pastor began to tell me I could no longer come back to the church. He wasn’t clear about the reason, but he mentioned problems arising that he had tried to take care of, but it was out of his hands. The reason was very unclear.


That evening I spoke with the man who was hosting me, He began to tell me there were problems in the local community of pastors. He told me one of the pastors had started a rumor about me that I was with the Illuminati. Another woman was telling people the anointing oil I was using was witchcraft. A group of “jealous” local pastors wanted me stopped. The local pastor I was with tried to reason with them, but they would not listen.


When a “white” minister comes (remember, they believe white people are rich), many other leaders in the community get envious and jealous. They start slandering and gossiping. It is very wicked. I was told these local groups of so-called pastors had a plan, it wasn’t good and I needed to leave for my safety within 3 days.


This spirit of betrayal is the same spirit that sold out Jesus for silver coins (money) and sent him to the cross. If you have never experienced this betrayal, I pray you don’t! Know this though….when God sends you…it is not you they are rejecting and betraying…it is the Lord, but you become the target.


​NOTE! I am not saying that all Christian leaders in Africa are corrupt. What I am trying to make clear, is that if you don't see where your money went after you left the country, there is a good chance you got played. Photos of a church or project are not good enough. I can take a photo of a nearby building and call it my church. Projects must be witnessed, continually overseen, and held accountable.


God is very clear about "knowing them that labor among us". This means you have an ongoing, face-to-face relationship. To know someone's true character, you MUST spend a lot of time with them. Long-distance relationships and online relationships are breeding grounds for deception.




Are you in Christian ministry? Have you been invited to minister in a church or have a crusade in Africa? WARNING!! False Christian leaders are targeting white ministers from America; they send out photos of the "FAKE" churches where they are pastoring. Fake churches with fake pastors and half the people in the churches are part of the game. It's all for the money my friends. Did you just come back from having a wonderful crusade? WRONG! You just got played!


Have you given money to an orphanage in Africa or know someone who has? Have you actually been to this orphanage to verify its existence?


Were you emotionally manipulated through photos of African children? You were told they were starving orphans. WRONG! You just got played.


Scammers are rampant, especially through Facebook and social media. Many Africans live in a continuous state of desperation and do some very vile and crazy things because they want to be rescued. They are fighting for their lives.




I did not expect this mission to turn out like this. I was ministering to leaders...then everything completely changed. Corruption had surrounded me. The anguish I have experienced because of the betrayal is beyond words.


The Lord has revealed to me that the purpose of my writing is to bring the truth about the corruption that is taking place with Christian leaders in Africa. Those in ministry who come for a weekend conference in Africa do not see the reality of what the African people face every day. One must be “boots on the ground” living among the people to see the reality of their needs and their spiritual life.

Many missionaries pour money into projects but never make real changes with the people. The roots of their problems are spiritual and are controlled by the demonic strongholds that rule over the regions. And honestly, why would we expect them to change when people are so willing to hand out money and not hold anyone accountable by having real ongoing relationships and following up?

God continually has true servants that are “giving all” for the Kingdom. They are walking away from house and home, family, and friends, and ABANDONING ALL to go into the harvest field. These true servants have laid it all down, many are not even recognized or supported. They have given willingly and don't care to draw attention to themselves.


I began writing because I felt strongly that people needed to understand the reality of ministry in Africa. They needed to hear it from someone who has lived among the people. 


Honestly, my friends…my experience in Africa this time has been hellish. The hand of the enemy is continuously seen everywhere I look and the people are fighting desperately to find a way out but they are completely unaware of the unseen forces that are keeping them captive. 


For what purpose did I go? To expose the lies of the enemy? To expose the lies that are keeping the people of Africa in bondage? To expose the deceit in missionary work, the fake churches, fake orphanages, fake pastors, prophets, and apostles. What I have witnessed in churches has been extremely disturbing. (I knew of the deceit before I came....but not to this degree.)




In 2019 I started an NGO to help children and widows and all was seemingly going well, This time though, I was violently assaulted physically because I did not agree to buy some property. The gossip and slander that went around the village was crazy. All because of money! I could not go outside the house. The people in the village saw me as a savior believing I had come to rescue them.


The people who violently assaulted me are the people I am staying with. Try going to sleep when spirits of murder are surrounding your bed. It has not been easy knowing that those you are with, whom you thought were God-fearing Christians, have turned against you because of money.  


There is an incredible lack of respect for God and those He sends to bring truth and freedom to the people. The god of mammon has captivated the hearts of so many making them desperate, fearing starvation and death. Dying from starvation is a reality for the people of Africa, they witness it often. They have learned to "fight to stay alive", but too often fighting means manipulating those around you.


Very often African leaders will invite you to minister in their church because they believe you are rich...then when you stop pouring money out...they turn, and you see the real motives. It is truly heart-wrenching! If I had kept giving out money, I never would have seen the truth, I would not have seen the corruption.



Why don’t more people speak on this subject?


  • Most do not spend enough time in Africa to see the truth. Truth cannot be seen from a distance!


  • Often victims will not speak due to fear of retaliation. Whistleblowers in Africa end up dead.


  • The ministers/missionaries don’t want to sound negative and they don’t want to admit they got played. Often those in the ministry think if they tell people the bad things, they think it will mar their reputation in the ministry.


  • Showing photos of hungry and starving children stirs emotions and is then used to manipulate people to give. Speaking negatively might hurt their means of support.


  • People tend to think ministry is a “blessing” and only positive. Scripture tells us otherwise (i.e. sent out as sheep amongst wolves, betrayed, forsaken, left for dead, hung, slandered, beaten, and even killed.)

  • Speaking truth is confronting idols and disrupting territorial strongholds over regions and nations. If God has not sent you, you have no business confronting principalities over continents.

  • Most are not willing to “give all” and follow the Lord in this capacity.

  • Many have given time and money while being ignorantly deceived! They go back to their home country and have no idea they were eloquently scammed in the name of Jesus.


Many missionaries come to places like Africa because they want to help the needy. Very often this is a big set-up to be manipulated and stolen from. Many missionaries are manipulated out of emotions. They see the photos of hungry starving children, they hear stories, and they are swayed emotionally and not by common sense and wisdom. 


Scammers know how to lure ignorant, unsuspecting people through their emotions. If you are reading this and think, "No way could I be deceived like that." Think again my friend, you have probably been deceived and scammed already.



The horror stories about being scammed are very real.  People go to Africa to help the people, but this has little to no effect on solving the real problems. They pour money out, and they build and build and build churches, but what they should be doing is teaching the people to build for themselves. Like that saying, “Give a man a fish, feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and feed him for a lifetime.”


The problem in Africa is not a lack of money, this is just a symptom of a much bigger problem. The root of the problem is idolatry (from trusting in man) which turns into generational iniquity. Until this spiritual issue gets confronted and dealt with, the problems will remain. Leaders must repent and turn back to a first-love relationship with the Lord.


The corruption is so severe here in Africa, that the vast majority of African Christian leaders live a life of lies and manipulation. They look to man to provide their needs instead of looking to God….scripture says to trust in man is idolatry. Idolatry brings curses -->>  Exodus 28 & 29, Jeremiah 17:5 “Cursed are they that put their trust in man.”


The people are bringing curse upon curse upon themselves out of utter desperation to just survive. It is much easier to ask people for help….than to cry out to God, repent, and believe Him to provide. The enemy has strategized these curses upon the people of Africa. Look at Africa….it is overladen with curses and has affected the land.



Giving is a wonderful thing and missionaries continually give out of the abundance of their hearts. The problem: White people are looked at as being rich. This creates a huge problem. YOU my friend have become an idol. Everywhere you go you are looked at as the answer, the savior, the rescuer (this is idolatry when we trust others and not God). 


You came to Africa to help the people, now you want to hide. It feels like people are “hanging on you” out of desperation. The burden gets to be INCREDIBLY OVERWHELMING!  Your belongings, people want them. They ask for them. They have no idea all you own anymore is the little you brought with you. Need and lack turn to a spirit of greed and hoarding!


During my stay, my suitcases had been gone through, and things were being taken without asking me. I found out in the very beginning there were no privacy boundaries at all with the people. After I left, I found that some critical electronic equipment had been stolen.




Often I think…”How is it possible to be on the same planet and there be such a disconnect between countries?”  Most countries in the world are decades ahead in everything. Not years, decades.



When ministering to others, understanding their needs is critical. Like Paul said, “I have become all things to all men, that I might win some.” Since 2016 the Lord began sending me to Africa. I have spent time getting to know the people, the cultures, and the spiritual strongholds that influence them.


I have learned this….Nothing is ever the way it first appears. You can talk with someone online, you can text and message for years, and still do not know the person. Jesus said to really know people the fruit must be inspected. When you go to the supermarket, you inspect the fruit and choose what looks good to you. It may even smell good, but when you cut it open you find worms inside.

Of all the things I have learned this is what I believe God is trying to get across to us through my experience. Fruit may look beautiful on the outside but be rotten inside. From a distance, it is impossible to see.


It is impossible to know someone until you are around them in a one-on-one, face-to-face relationship for an extensive amount of time. This means spending time together daily. Not through video, chat, or phone. In real face-to-face relationships!! Walking and talking together...doing things, sharing life. 


As spiritual as we may think we are…fruit can only be seen in ongoing face-to-face relationships. 


Fruit must be seen, smelled, cut open, and tasted. This requires a very close relationship. Fruit can look good on the outside but be rotten inside. Will someone allow you close enough to see and access the very motives of their heart?


Those with pure hearts will allow you unlimited access to their hearts and lives...nothing hidden. At a distance, you will NEVER see the hidden agendas and true motives of the heart.


It grieves my heart intensely to know that many people are being taken advantage of, they are being lied to and their money is being stolen from them by giving into fake ministries. God wants this to stop! Please, if you know someone giving to a ministry or program in Africa, please have them read these letters. Online relationships are breeding grounds for deception!



The people showed great care for me when I was giving out money. I was treated like royalty. When I stopped because I saw the manipulation and corruption, they were distant from me, I began to be hated. My life has been threatened, not just by people, but by demonic attacks through witchcraft that I have faced daily. I have run to God in worship out of desperation just to breathe and not feel like I was being suffocated by a spirit of death. I have heard of people that have actually experienced hell…and this is what it has felt like. It's been death surrounding and pressing in on me.


I had an NGO, a children’s food program in Tanzania for 3 years. I found out there was fraudulent behavior taking place among my board members. Donations were being taken without my knowledge. I tried to close the program for over a year, but government officials would not respond to me.  After the NGO was said to be closed, the local people were still using the name of my NGO and taking donations. When I confronted them, they got violent with me. 

The night before I left Tanzania, the Tanzanian Immigration officers showed up at the house and demanded I go to the local immigration office. When I was gone, my laptops were stolen from out of my packed suitcases. Coincidence? No, those around me knew I was writing about my experiences in Africa. I had been threatened by two of the people to stop writing a week before, and after this threat, my laptops were stolen.




This year I spent 10 months in Africa (4 months in Kenya, 2 months in Uganda, 4 months in Tanzania). I have personally been a victim and witnessed financial fraud, emotional and spiritual manipulation, bribery, destruction of personal property, and theft (electronic equipment and laptops). When I stopped handing out money I was slandered, then verbally and violently assaulted and kicked out of homes. I was targeted wherever I went because I was a “white” American minister.


What I have seen, heard, and personally witnessed is shocking. There are millions of dollars being poured into fake mission projects. Fake orphanages, fake churches run by fake pastors. These fake pastors connect with kind-hearted people from America and Europe, sending invitations to Christian ministers inviting them to minister, and end up scamming them through the entire process. 


People are lured very simply by "the needs in Africa" which makes the scam easy.


Everyone knows the needs in Africa are tremendous. BUT LISTEN…Jesus did not tell us to "discern" fruit, why? Because fruit MUST BE SEEN and INSPECTED. It is IMPOSSIBLE to see fruit from a distance. Jesus used this analogy for a reason. Don't overthink this, it's very simple!



Many Christian ministers are being invited to minister in churches in Africa. Many of these pastors inviting these ministers are professional scammers. They know the Bible and they know exactly what to say. 


I have been a missionary and a minister to Christian leaders in Africa since 2016. I have witnessed extensive financial fraud in the name of “Christian Ministry” and missionary projects. The manipulation is so cunning, even those who have been in Christian ministry for decades are most often clueless that they are being manipulated for their money.


NOTE: Being able to quote scripture is NOT fruit!

These fake Christian leaders are well-versed in Bible scripture and Christian lingo, they know exactly what to say to emotionally and spiritually manipulate ministers and missionaries. These spiritual victims have no idea the entire project is being fabricated and staged.


Websites are created that contain fraudulent information. Village children are gathered for photos to represent orphanages that do not exist. These photos are then used to emotionally manipulate people into giving donations. 


Spiritual manifestation: Angels appearing and speaking in audible voices that were not angels at all, but demons manifesting as angels of light. Spiritual manifestations like these were happening around me. All were manipulation tactics to get me to give more money. People who desire spiritual things will easily fall into these traps.



Most ministers and missionaries from other countries do not spend enough time with the people to see the truth. They fly in, preach, visit some children, pour out money then leave. The fake leaders are then on a search for their next victims. Most Churches in Africa are businesses, they are formed solely out of desperate attempts to serve as a rescue from severe poverty: fake pastors are running fake churches and there is no one holding them accountable. 


God wants to bless the people of Africa...but the corruption needs to be exposed. Christian leaders need to be held accountable. Illegal activity needs to be confronted by local African governments.




The African people desire freedom and success in life. They are very hard workers, but we must stop treating them like disabled children who cannot help themselves. We feel sorry for them and want to help them, but we are not addressing the issue properly.


We are not helping them, we are making the problem worse.


The African governments need to take responsibility for the fraudulent activities taking place in their countries. African governments should be caring for their people! Countries around the world send billions of dollars to African governments, and yet the people still live in devastation and die from starvation.


It is time we stopped enabling the people of Africa in the cycle of destruction. It is time the cycle of destruction stopped!


The thought that the African people are incapable and should be living their lives like us, is ignorance and pride on our part. Who do we think we are to tell them: they are not supposed to be living the way they do, and that our way is better? This is Imperialism and it is rooted in racism and pride.


What is your true motive for wanting to do missionary work? To help the needy? Have you been there and seen the lack of care? Have you witnessed the neglect from family and tribal leaders? Where did you get the information that they are in need?


Your perspective “without seeing them” is that they are being forsaken and you feel the need to step in and rescue them? It is a misconception to think we need to assist the people of Africa. Just because we feel emotional about something…does not make it our responsibility.


God placed us in tribes and villages for a reason. It is the responsibility of the fathers and mothers, the local leaders, and the government to care for the people. One would never think it is okay to takeover someone’s position of father in a family that is not their own...yet that is exactly what we are doing. For some reason we think it’s ok to take over the care of others in different countries. For some reason we think the fathers and mothers are not doing their jobs.


For us to forsake our own tribe and people, to take on the responsibility for someone else’s is disrespectful to those we assume we are helping, while bringing dishonor upon ourselves. THE TRUTH IS....IT'S HYPOCRISY. Our land and country have problems, but we think we have what others need to fix theirs. This Imperialism.


When you step onto someone’s territory they resent you. You’re presence is telling them they're not doing their job. You are telling them they are stupid and what they are doing is not good enough. I know this because I experienced this with the people.




Our assistance has made them dependent on us. Many have learned to expect it and therefore not take responsibility for themselves. We have encouraged them to be lazy. Receiving handouts is too easy...why stop?


It's NOT our responsibility to rescue the people of Africa. Africa has one savior…Jesus Christ!

Please note: Africa is saturated with the Gospel. The problem with Africa is NOT a lack of evangelism. The gospel has been preached in Africa for centuries. The problem is the demonic territorial spirits that govern the continent. The people give these entities power through idolatry.


What is the answer?...they need to depend on God alone. This dependence upon people has kept them in the cycle of idolatry and has cut off God's blessings.


“Cursed is the man who trusts in and relies on mankind, Making [weak, faulty human] flesh his strength, And whose mind and heart turn away from the Lord. Jer. 17:5



Learn more about White Savior Complex and Voluntourism Scams, you will be shocked.


Here are some video links: 

The White Savior Complex/The Dark Side of Volunteering by Kayley Gould

I Was a Humanitarian and I Regret It by Hyram

The Problems with Volunteer Tourism by Samantha Nutt


The Dark Side of Rich Kids Volunteering Abroad by Informer

We must stop thinking God has appointed us to be Africa’s saviors. They have one savior, it is Jesus Christ.

Critical Note: Use wisdom and be educated. Scripture tells us "to not be ignorant of the enemy's tactics". This requires us to become knowledgeable about HOW the enemy operates. This is the main purpose for these writings.


This is a warning from the Lord!


The spirits in Africa are extremely cunning. The god of mammon is prevalent and he uses the people in extremely manipulative ways. This is a level of witchcraft that is VERY different than any other country. Persecution is very real and active in Africa. It is not uncommon for people to just "disappear".


It is not uncommon for whistleblowers to be killed, their heads cut off, and thrown into the bush. The covering up about these things is common. Why? If more people knew the truth about the persecution, foreign governments would stop giving money to African governments. This is a very big political issue.


I was warned by the African people NOT to speak against the African governments. Why? African governments are largely corrupt. When people found out I had been writing I was violently assaulted.


How can you help stop the corruption in African missions? Spread the word and share this message!

If you have some ideas to help spread this message, please contact me at

Need help verifying a mission project, church ministry, or Christian leader in Africa? Send me an email at


Blessings & Shalom,


Zanild Abarrane

Help stop the corruption!
May God Bless You!


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