With all my heart I wish I could convey what the Lord is speaking to me and that His truths would actually be heard. The simplicity of His Kingdom and "how" He wants to bring it's fullness into the earth. So often I speak or write and it just goes over heads. I hear in the spirit many people saying, "Oh...This first love thing is NOT important." How often I want to give up because it seems like I am wasting my time. But I can't, the very heart's desire of the Bridegroom burns within me. He wants His throne to be established upon the high places of men's hearts.
There is such confusion and lack of clarity and strategy for what the Lord wants to do and how He wants to do it for one reason, and one reason only. Because we are not hearing the Lord clearly. This is detrimental, because absolutely every answer that we need in life and in the church and Kingdom are found in Him. They are found in His word. Jesus and His word will NEVER contradict because HE IS THE WORD!
He has every answer that we need if we will just pursue Him fervently. If we are not hearing clearly, we will end up relying on our opinions, the opinions of others (opinions are the basis for heresy) and hearing the enemy's twisted answers mixed with a bit of truth. This is the reason there is no unity in the body. If we are listening to only Him, we will be hearing the same things.
The Lord is not being heard clearly because we are too far away from His heart. If we are too far away, we will only hear in part and often in parables. So many come close, but then are distracted. Never, will we be able to attain His fullness individually, nor will we be able to assist in helping others if we do not remain close to His heart. Actually the truth of the matter is...If we are not hearing clearly...we have no business trying to assist others. It's like having a map and the middle of it taken out.
One can only be a witness, if they have seen and heard from the source. Read that again!
Clarity and depth of truth comes only one way....sitting at His feet, learning directly from Him and closing our ears to everything else. Did He not say He would send His Spirit and He would lead us into ALL truth? Need I say more? The hearts of many are not truly seeking His heart above all else but are getting distracted by books and listening to others. To hear Him clearly though....one must be proven. Proven to be desperate for Him.
The first apostles were proven. They died to self, their own opinions, the wisdom of this world and proven to pursue "only the truth and entirety of the Kingdom". They learned directly from Him by sitting with Him day and night. He did not send "apostolos" them until He could trust them completely to not add, exaggerate, twist or add their opinions, to the words of His Kingdom, but speak exactly as He spoke. They lived what Jesus taught them, they learned of the Kingdom of Heaven, then lived the Kingdom of Heaven on this earth. This is why we see such profound examples of the Kingdom in Acts.
Oh how He hears our words when we come before Him, but He also sees the hidden motives of the heart. He will not share the secrets of His heart with acquaintances. He will not share them with those who really don't care and are distracted. False teaching is just teaching, that it not purity of truth. It is everywhere. Until we put aside everything, follow Him to the cross in our own lives and experience the complete death to self, and be transformed into His image and likeness, we will not be able to clearly lead anyone. Far too many need to step away from ministry, sit at the Lord's feet until He "approves and sends them". The is a great difference between being called...and "chosen to be sent".
Jer. 29: 11-14 For I know the plans and thoughts that I have for you,’ says the Lord, ‘plans for peace and well-being and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope. Then you will call on Me and you will come and pray to Me, and I will hear [your voice] and I will listen to you. Then [with a deep longing] you will seek Me and require Me [as a vital necessity] and [you will] find Me when you search for Me with all your heart. I will be found by you,’ says the Lord, ‘and I will restore your fortunes and I will [free you and] gather you from all the nations and from all the places where I have driven you,’ says the Lord, ‘and I will bring you back to the place from where I sent you into exile.’
If we truly desire to hear Him clearly...we must "live" with our ear pressed to His heart continually. We have no excuse anymore for going in circles and "wondering" what it is the Lord is doing, and how. It is up to us to press into Him with fervency requiring to be taught by Him and Him alone. When He speaks it is NOT a "wondering", but a "knowing". Jesus promised us that He would send us His Spirit, and that His Spirit would lead us in ALL TRUTH. It is our choice to continually follow!