You will know God's true apostles and prophets because they are targeted by the enemy and he is after them to kill them! Why? They are boat-tippers, idol-bashers and ultimate destroyers of darkness. Like heat-seeking missiles... they quickly zero-in with pinpoint accuracy and identify targeted areas of carnal compromise and all influence of spiritual darkness in your life. They are on a mission from the Master and will not be thwarted or sidetracked.
True apostles and prophets sent by the Lord...their goal: TO SEEK OUT AND OBLITERATE ALL WORKS OF DARKNESS!! To set you free, clean you up and make you a mature, pure and holy bride without spot or wrinkle fit for the Master Jesus Christ. They will not play around or patty-cake your need for absolute freedom and purity; a life that is completely blood-washed from all marks and influence of the enemy.
If you are not around apostles and prophets like this...ask the Lord to bring them into your life. Jesus is looking for a pure and holy bride filled with His light...untouched and untainted by ALL the works of darkness. What will His apostles and prophets find when He sends them to you? Will your "Happy-Boat" be tipped and capsized? Will you seek to kill the messengers that He sent to you? Or will you humbly yield to the Master's call to be set apart and made holy for Him...a bride that has made herself ready.
Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts: And see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting. Psalms 139:23,24
Zanild Abarrane Tsadak-Kohein
Ramah Ministries Int'l
RMI Advanced Ministry Institute