September 2, 2020
My Beloved Africa....When I formed you, I placed a uniqueness into your pattern. I never purposed for you to follow others and pattern yourself to look and sound like other nations. I am calling you "back" to who I made you to be, a people with a clear identity, a clear voice and a unique sound. It was never your destiny to "look or sound" like others. You purpose and destiny can only be found in being who I created you to be.
The sound I gave to you originated from My heart. This sound I gave you is a gift to the nations of the earth. But as you come before Me in worship, I hear the sound of other nations, this is not who I created you to be. Your identity was never meant to come from others, your identity was meant to come from Me. Seek Me to restore who I have created you to be, for I desire to be glorified in your uniqueness.
I come to you this day and say...Shake off the patterns of other nations, shake off the teachings you have adopted and mistakenly called your own. You have put your hope and trust in man, you have followed other nations and looked to them as if they were gods and I say, "No More!" Turn to Me, repent for following others before Me, and I will restore all you have lost.
I have placed within your hearts a deep hunger for truth, My truth. It is only My truth that brings true satisfaction and transformation to your souls. I desire to feed you with the richness of My Word, untainted pure words of truth. In seeking Me with all your hearts, you will not only be filled, but overflowing to feed those around you.
My Beloved Africa, Look up! See me as I Am. Seek me with all your hearts. Live only to please Me, and I will once again birth within you a sound of worship that originates from My heart, a sound that will bring Me praise, draw others into My presence, and through you I will bring healing to the nations of the earth.
As you seek to "please only Me" as a Holy Priesthood, the sound of your worship will resonate throughout the Heavens and you will be a witness among of the nations of My glory and My presence, for I desire to inhabit your praise.
As you dedicate your hearts to once again "follow only Me", I will bring to you divine restoration. I will bring a healing balm and joy to the hearts of the people and restore life to the land where you dwell.
Zanild Abarrane Tsadak-Kohein
Ramah Ministries Int'l