April 23, 2021
"A proving of hearts has been upon my people", says the Lord; "Yes, even a dividing of the remnant has been taking place. For I have sent my Assayers, my Plumb-line Prophets to weigh your hearts, but you have not discerned them as such. I have sent them before you my people, to prove once again your love for me.
Those who have thought they were a part of my remnant, my bride, have been weighed and many have been found unwilling to sacrifice their own desires to obey me. Many talk well and use my Word to prove their points, but I tell you this truth, their hearts are far from Me.
They play the part, but they are unwilling to seek ONLY the desires of My heart and ways to please Me. A dividing line is being drawn between those who truly have ears to hear my heart and obey, and those unwilling to sacrifice possessions, and even their families to follow Me.
For yes, the days are upon you when my glory will be seen, but know this, the glory of My Holiness is set apart ONLY for my Bride. Let it be known this day that my bride are those who have sought out "death to self" with an unrelenting, uncompromising passion to solely bear the image of My Son and have not been drawn away by their own desires. This...is the bride that I desire, a bride that has given all and is made herself ready for Me, this is the bride that will carry my glory."
Zanild Abarrane Tsadak-Kohein Ramah Ministries Int'l